Wednesday 9 March 2011

The dramatics of life...

How much drama can there possibly be in life? How much of it counts, generally I mean a scene, most likely ridiculous, about a girl who says something about her supposed friend and bam! Yep BAM! That girl has lost a friend and is now know as a bitch. Totally ridiculous if your that friend or girl looking back on it in the future! What can I say... Drama in a soap can last as long as your imagination can stretch, stabbings, suicide, murder, lies, an unworthy trust. What I've recently learnt is that I'm much more happier these days, why? Well because the people who I love are happy, I trust them, and they happen to trust me! 
It's insane how much I care for them. I started to realise that someone else's happiness was keeping me smiling. Truth is, it's best to not think that way, there tends to e someone who's upset or just just has a lot of issues to deal with. Eli thinks it's a selfish thing just to think about yourself but truthfully sometimes I think it's the only way I don't have to worry or think about other peoples problems, that aren't very big problems but my point is I feel lucky to have the life and things that I do, even the people around me. 

Wednesday 23 February 2011


I held a pencil and a squared piece of paper stared me in the the face on the table.
my mood tend to reflect on the drawing or whatever i'm writing. Only thing is i couldn't figure out how to draw HAPPINESS. clouds, sunny day, a pony, maybe a rainbow too. that's deffinately not a picture of happiness for me- i cant even ride a hourse. maybe a unicorn! that seems more appropriate. as i had no idea what to draw in my extreamly happy mood, who knows why, or what came over me, i decided to ask eliza what she would do if she had to draw happiness on a piece of paper. her responce was something i expected but hoped that it may have been different, but i guess writing HAPPY on a piece of paper seemed too easy.
lav x


That would be something that i tend not to be around for. It's not like i'm never there when someone's disapointed, i just don't to want to want to let someone down, disapoint them.
i guess i tend to avoid it, turns out sometime you can't avoid something for very long before you have to tell the truth, and disapoint the other person!
lav x


Well i've finally managed to figure out how to change the background!
I thought the thing just hated me but nop, instead there was a big APPLY TO BLOG sign that's been staring me in the face the whole time.
It's a littl bit bright but i'm not sure if i was that bothered really.

Saturday 19 February 2011

I'm sane?! Well compared to most people

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

The high's are so untrue - I read how they described dependent and it just doesn't sound like me

Wednesday 9 February 2011

The butt biting events of karma!

The penetrated bubble story!! 

Yes yes, it doesn't sound as bad as you think unless you take it out of context. 
Which most people tend to do, to make it a more interesting story I guess...
So basically, shhhh don't tell anyone I know, I'm extremely ticklish- and it's not something I EVER share with anyone because then you seem to get these hands reaching out and coming near you and that's when Eliza will interrupt with a comment like "stop touching her up!" which makes things so much better o_o 

Things always went my way until now! Grrr
Basically for 5 years when anyone asked me if I was ticklish I would always say no, and I mean what idiot would say yes unless they didn't know what would come enext- yep I'm talking about the hands that attack you and make you scream or laugh embarrassingly. Well Adam and mu found out that I was ticklish unfortunately for me Adam is in a lot of my lessons. He tried to tickle me in maths and I'm thinking "dude there's people around, we're in a class and I'm moving about like a lunatic, please stop tickling me this is embarrassing." so I explained to him " you know Adam I have a bubble around me and when someone comes too close and gets into the bubble, I flinch cause I'm so ticklish so please stop." his response "so lav am I penetrating your bubble!" 
Let's just say I'm deffo not going to use bubbles as an example for any sort of explanation next time. 
:D lav x

Monday 7 February 2011


Burglars shouldn't exist!
 they don't stop steeling after one house they raided, NO, they decide to harass other houses and make life difficult for other families.  
Worst of all, they never seem to get caught! 
We're at WAR. Yes war, we're at war with the world because we do bad things, we want more out of everything or everyone, we damage and we fight and we kill. No I'm not talking about everyone but everyone contributes. Sometimes I wonder if god thought it was a mistake to give man a brain, was it worth it to give us power. I lied I never wonder about things like that, just this once I just thought about how everything is connected. 
I should probably get to the point, I feel like it would be the wrong thing to do but I got scared and it's something I want to get rid of. My cuisine and her whole family came round for dinner today. Something of a Christmas treat. It didn't turn out that way, her whole house was burgled, I mean the very valuable things in their home was taken away. They left the place in a tip and took all the gold jewellery, laptop, credit card, maybe about £700 in cash was stolen, game consoles. 
Turns out that it wasn't the first time someone had done this , I mean that this wouldn't be the first p....
I wrote this at a time which seems like a very long time ago (Christmas) but I never got a chance to finish it or post it up, unfortunately I had to leave the sentence mid word but I honestly don't know what I was thinking then so I can't secure how to end the sentence ... 
 Lav x